Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Ba Ba black sheep ......

Pinky pig wake up late today, she miss the way to pick her carrots.

But she manage to watch all the stars and moon yesterday. How wonderful is the skies right on top of us.

She wonder the sliver cow noticed it or not ?

Every single little stars have it own way to shine and unique .... just like the pinky pig do !

Hope you all appreciate your life !

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Monday, March 07, 2005

Fishies day .......

Today is a piggy day ! She study real hard on control ....control ...... control

Huh? Lovely days with all the control on picking up carot ! Control of not let other piggy steal her carots.

Is a fruity days !!!

She brought a female guppy for her lonely male guppy. Now , the fish can live happily ever after..... watching all the babies fish ....

' I make a good deed today ! What a wonderful happy ever after story. '

photo hosting and image hosting by ImageVenue.com
photo hosting and image hosting by ImageVenue.com

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Raining Days .......

No pink skin again !! Sob Sob ....is a sad day.

A lonely pink pig waking slowy and crying. Here comes the rainy clouds on top of her head.

Trying so hard to ran away from the clouds but failed.

Why ? Why ? The earth is too big , why must be the pig to have such a sad day!